I’m deaf. When I was three years old, I permanently lost my hearing. I don’t remember anymore the sensation of sound, the specific experience of hearing, of listening, of sensing sound with its properties. I remember that, until that period, I was talking with people around me, listening children’s tales and songs like any vivid child on its way to explore the world. But I don’t remember the experience of hearing. Phonemes do not have an acoustic existence anymore for me.
So what? By losing its acoustic status the system of Greek phonemes has got a new status for me, infinitely important: the visual one. I remember very intensely, like if it is still the first time, the interest and emotion caused to me by written words, as they seemed to weave the paper and to materialize the feast of their representations, not to mention the sublime brush strokes that were throwing on them accents and breathings.
I grew up and became mature using the polytonic system. The smooth and rough breathings, the acute, grave and circumflex accents seemed to my eyes as an absolutely synchronized quintett that was singing the melody of the souls of words I was reading and writing. Accents and breathings were delivering in front of me an enormous message, a message that could not be deciphered through naked words only: the message of multicentennial melodic prosody of Greek language. The past became present at any moment, the historical memory of milleniums became at any moment a caleidoscopic optical experience in the present.
I cannot describe it better. And I do not attempt to generalize. I’m referring only to me. Men who hea probably have a different opinion on their experiences. I respect them, although it is terribly difficult to me, not to say impossible, to represent in my mind, in a purely intellectual form, their acoustic experiences, by going through the sieve of Physics which I studied later on. It remains a fact that the polytonic system has sharpened my visual perception and my sensitivity to distinguish the structure and etymology of words, my faculty to communicate with their souls.