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I am deeply grateful to my dear colleague Janet Ormrod who has kindly read and corrected my English translations of Greek or French testimonies. Thank you Janet!
Our world is one of many choices. We choose what to eat and what to wear. We choose our careers and hobbies. We choose to what church (if any) we belong. Thus, we should all be able to choose between writing Greek in the monotonic or polytonic orthographies. While I have never been one to try to spark a revolution, I must say that the Greek government was somewhat misguided when it reformed the accentuation of the Greek language. Although the monotonic orthography is simpler, the polytonic one is unquestionably more beautiful to the eye of a reader and should not be limited to the likes of us, the traditionalists and academics. However, I do not feel the need to force the polytonic system upon those who dislike it. Thus, just as people have the choice of their food, clothing, career, and religion, they should have the choice of using the monotonic or polytonic systems, even in official documents. I have thus included with this testimony a lone document containing, in my own handwriting, the text of the “Paternoster” or “Our Father,” probably one of the most widely translated few lines in existence. Many may consider my handwriting to be strange and alien, but, so long as it is legible, how I write is my decision and my decision alone. It is my hope that this letter and the attached image may guide the polytonic movement so that it may be a peaceful one, serving to educate the interested, so that the latter-day traditionalists, the scholars, and the belletrists may not be forever silenced, and the day may come when the Greek government recognizes the polytonic system as a legitimate alternative to the monotonic one.
Send us your opinions and experiences: why do you use the polytonic system? do you think that its re-introduction is necessary? what do you answer to followers of the monotonic system?