History of a disasterTable of Contents
The trial of accentsProceedings of parliament discussions of January 11th, 1982, and the laws that have been votedProceedings of parliament discussions of January 11th, 1982Σᾶς προτείνουμε τὸ ἀκόλουθο ἀρχεῖο PDF (5.6 MB) ποὺ περιέχει ὅλες τὶς συζητήσεις τῆς Βουλῆς κατὰ τὴν κʹ ὁλομελῆ συνεδρία τῆς 11ης Ἰανουαρίου 1982. Μεγάλο μέρος τῶν συζητήσεων ἀφιερώθηκε στὸ θέμα τῶν σχολικῶν ἐξετάσεων. Θὰ ἐτοιμάσουμε σύντομα ἕναν «ὁδηγὸ ἀνάγνωσης» αὐτῶν τῶν Πρακτικῶν, γιὰ τοὺς ἀναγνῶστες ποὺ ἐνδιαφέρονται μόνο γιὰ τὸ τονικὸ ζήτημα. Law 1228/1982In the Official Government Newspaper, numer 15/1 of February 1st, 1982, we find law 1228 which was the first law prohibiting accents. It is astounding how much effort has been spent to pass this law without attracting attention: law 1228 is the “reinforcement of a presidential act” and this act is about “the inscription of pupils in general, technical and professionnal highschools”: The presidential act has a single article called «Ἄρθρο μόνο». But this “solely article” is not solely, since there is a “second article” following: One sentence is enough to destroy centuries of evolution of Greek language: After publication of this law, the accentuation of written Greek will be done according to the monotonic system. The “third article” is completely redundant since its replicated what said in the second one, namely that this law is valid after its publication in the Official Government Newspaper. This law has been voted on January 30, 1982, after midnight, with only 30 parlementaries being present... Decree 297/1982Two months later, the goverment having passed already the previous law, it has published a more detailed decree on the monotonic system (Official Goverment Newspaper number 52/1, April 29, 1982, decree number 297): This decree mentions the law 1228/1982 given above but also a previous law (309/1976). It also mentions two acts of the so-called Center of Educational Studies and *** and a report of the ***. We couldn't yet find those documents and would be grateful to the reader who could supply them to us, so that we can publish them on this page. The question of Yiorgos Karatzaferis at the parlament (2003)The question of Vyron Polydoras at the parlament (2005)
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